What’s Your Role In CIPD?

That road, social hall, street light or ECDE we have been wanting will only come if it’s put in plan and budgeted for in the coming County Integrated Development Plan. This week’s #CoffeeBarTuesday focused on the County integrated Development Plan with participants from Mukuru Kwa Reuben and Viwandani. What is CIDP, how is it developed and the different sectors that are there. It was shocking that in 15 people only 1 has an idea of what CIDP is or entails.CIPD is a plan prepared by all counties to guide development over a five-year period.
The formulation of CIDP is the first major task of a new county administration and it aims to coordinate the work of both levels of the government in a clear plan to improve the quality of life for all the people. The plan contains information on investments, projects, maps, statistics, development initiatives and a resource mobilization framework. The County Governments Act, 2012 (CGA), 104 obligates a county to develop an integrated plan, designate planning units at all county administrative levels and promote public participation and engagement by non-state actors in the planning process.
The CIDP also helps in the formulation of the County Annual Development Plan (ADP) which is an annual component of the 5-year CIDP and it highlights the short term priorities for the county. It outlines the priority projects/programs for the county for the year.
Through the discussion, we were able to cross check the Nairobi County CIDP 2018-2022 for both Mukuru Kwa Reuben and Viwandani together with Nairobi County Annual Development 2022-2021. We noted the plans indicated in the CIDP were diverse but didn’t touch on many sectors and others had repetitions. Some of the proposed projects include:
Mukuru Kwa Reuben
- Rehabilitation of Katope road link to Police Post Simba Cool
- Construction of link Rd from police to Lunga Lunga road, Kangana to Railway, and Riverside roads from bridge to Diamond
- Construction of bridge link Kingstone
- Lunga Lunga to DiamondSome of the priorities indicated to in the CIDP
- Establishment of ECD centres
- Creation of job employment through strategies such a training youth on entrepreneurship and building their capacity to access devolved funds among others
- Construction of a health centre
- Provision of waste collection and designation garbage storage points and regular collection of garbage.
- Construction of bridges connecting Kware, Kwa Reuben to Lunga Lunga Road
- Old dysfunctional drainage system
- Upgrade existing health clinic to a 24- hour health centre
- Overhauling of the entire drainage system within the ward
- Re-carpeting of all feeder roads within the ward
- Establishment of a rescue centre for survivors of GBV in Viwandani ward
- Construction of a social hall in Viwandani Ward
- Implementing of a programme to nurture sports talents while providing facilities, materials and equipment
- Construction of a footbridge across Ngong River to facilitate access to Embakasi
In Mukuru Kwa Reuben, there were 64 participants in attendance in the initial forum held on 30th August 2017 and 43 in attendance during the dissemination forum on 5th December 2017 while in Viwandani there were 54 participants in attendance in the initial forum held on 30th August 2017 and 95 in attendance during the dissemination forum on 5th December 2017. Comparing with other wards, this clearly shows that our communities were not well represented.
Public participation has been a way of having our views and priorities taken to account but it has also been a challenge getting to these forums. Participants pointed out that public participation notice should be clear and transparent in order to accommodate the majority of the residents. In the last couple of years, notices were shared late or the venues were changed on the actual day.
From 2018-2022 CIDP evaluation, it clearly shows that the majority of the projects were not done or were not completed. This coming CIDP will give us a good platform for proposing either new projects or asking for completion of the already stuck projects. However, we must note the projects will only be prioritized and put in the plan if we attend the public participation forums. In this coming CIDP, we must be part and parcel of the formulation and we must make sure that our priorities as a community are noted and put in the plan. See you on Tuesday!