COFFEE BAR: Mental health
We held our coffee Bar at the MuYI hub on 10th sept 2024 it was on World Suicide Prevention Day. The topic of the day was on mental health we discussed on suicide prevention,” how common it is, potential causes, and how it affects oneself and the measures to take. The session was attended by 25 youths,21 males and 4 females.
Suicide is a serious problem that impacts many people and communities all over the world. A good strategy is needed to address suicide prevention, including knowing what causes it, appreciating the things individuals love in life, discovering one’s purpose, and hearing from people who have been there and risen from the depths of hopelessness.
Majority of the people commit suicide because they feel that they have nothing to live for in this life. Most people don’t actually know what they truly love. We asked each individual what they love the most in life some mentioned that they love -Art, traveling, learning something new, football, teaching others something they feel they don’t know, being on stage, driving, watching beautiful sceneries, cows (when bulls are fighting), dancing, gaming, writing adverts and peaceful times. Some individuals in the group did not know what they loved and were advised to make sure they find something they are passionate about which does not have to be materialistic or a thing that when it is not there it makes them feel low.
Testimonials on those who have attempted suicide
“I wanted to end my life because I became a young teen mom and I have been a single mother so since then I have always used dance to overcome it” one participant mentioned.
” Toxic parenting toxic parents have affected me since I was young, I had issues with speech since I used to stammer a lot, so one day I overdosed myself with Amoxil when it backfired, I was beaten I also overcame it with a psychologist who helped mean lot and other peer groups that were so helpful since we used to share our stories and through hearing that others are facing bigger problems it calmed me down” one participant mentioned.
”Since I was young, I had 4 suicidal thoughts, august 2020 while I was doing automotive engineering I had many work pressure and home issues so I tried to kill myself on the road while it was raining, I saw a big truck and was tempted to run into it but luckily a stranger pat me on my shoulder and asked me unataka kukufa uache nyash ivo? we walked with him towards commercial and he gave me some money” one participant mentioned.
The 2nd attempt was with a friend
During the 3rd attempt I tried overdosing but my friends came to my rescue while during my 4th attempt, I tried to kill myself with a knife but my small sister asked me what I was trying to do since she walked in and found me holding a knife. Bad parenting my parents were harsh on me but my coping mechanism is through dance and me using my earphones.
Youths’ perspective on what makes people want to unalive themselves
In talking about mental health and prevention, it is critical to understand the factors that contribute to suicidal thoughts from the perspective of youth. A few elements that could influence a young person’s thoughts about suicide or self-harm are outlined below:
Youth mental health can be severely impacted by poor parenting. A lack of basic necessities, emotional support, or direction can make someone feel worthless and abandoned.
Academic pressure is the result of excessive pressure to perform well academically, which can cause stress, worry, and feelings of inadequacy. High expectations from parents, professors, or society can be overpowering.
Consistent setbacks, whether in the personal or professional sphere, can undermine confidence:
Unmet Goals: Feelings of inadequacy and hopelessness can arise from not reaching personal or professional goals.
Broken Relationships: Negative endings to romantic or platonic relationships can cause a great deal of emotional suffering.
Negative self-perception is a common cause of low self-esteem and can be impacted by:
Harassment or bullying: Negative peer behaviour can undermine one’s sense of value.
Internal Criticism: Feelings of inadequacy can be strengthened by persistently comparing oneself to others and criticizing oneself.
5. “Nyash” and Body Image Mental anguish can be exacerbated by body image problems, including social expectations over physical appearance:
Unrealistic Standards: Being exposed to media portrayals of idealized body types might make people feel unsatisfied with their own bodies.
Social pressure: The need to live up to specific physical expectations can result in negative behaviours and self-loathing.
6. Health Issues
The following are some medical issues and how they affect mental health:
Chronic Illnesses: Prolonged medical conditions can cause dejection and dissatisfaction.
Mental Health Disorders: Suicidal thoughts can be more common in those with conditions like anxiety, bipolar disorder, and depression.
7. Influence from peers
Peer pressure can affect one’s ability to make decisions and their mental health:
Substance Abuse: The pressure to use drugs or alcohol can result in regrettable and dangerous behaviours.
Behavioural Expectations: When someone is not able to live up to the expectations of the group, it can lead to stress and feelings of inadequacy.
9. social media
There are several ways that social media can affect mental health:
Comparison: Persistently evaluating oneself against the well-curated and idealized lifestyles of others might result in low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy.
Cyberbullying: Suicidal thoughts and mental health can be severely impacted by harassment or bullying that occurs online.
10. Refusal
Rejection can cause excruciating suffering.
Romantic Rejection: Feelings of worthlessness might arise when a romantic interest rejects you.
Social Rejection: Emotional anguish can result from feeling left out or unaccepted by one’s peer group.
11. Sodomy and Rape
Sexual assault is a horrific event that can seriously harm one’s mental health:
Trauma and PTSD: Individuals who have survived a significant emotional or psychological trauma may feel worthless and hopeless.
Stigmatization: Victims may experience stigma or a lack of assistance, which exacerbates their emotions of helplessness and loneliness.
It is critical to identify these variables and take proactive measures to address them through discussions, supportive interventions, and prevention techniques. These dangers can be reduced with the aid of mental health education, counselling, supportive relationships, and a secure space where young people can talk about their difficulties without fear of rejection. In order to create a more supportive atmosphere for young people confronting these issues, it is imperative to provide resources for mental health assistance, encourage self-care, and promote positive coping techniques.
Youths’ perspective on what makes people want to unalive themselves
Do not be overambitious, do something towards what you want. There is a difference between happiness and dreams, hence dreams that bring happiness should be embraced while living in the moment. If you do not embrace the moment that means you are limiting your own happiness. You need to understand that if you die right now your eulogy won’t be written how your life was rather what you achieved. We should also learn to take jokes but know when you are being disrespected. Learn to appreciate what you have, accept mistakes and know that mistakes can be corrected don’t over judge yourself. Celebrate your wins weather small/big. If you make a small win celebrate yourself. We should know that whatever you do will always have consequences. Remember to be aggressive in what you want, build yourself don’t stress yourself trying to build others while you are not building yourself. You can never give what you you don’t have.
Your graph can never be straight in life, know your limit and take care of your mental health. You Don’t have to be the richest but you can help others who need your help unlike Politicians who make us pissed by stealing and having everything for themselves.
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