Movies and documentaries can be a powerful tool in teaching and reflection. The screening of movies/documentaries main purpose is to enjoy and have a candid discussion derived from what is being shown. It also acts as a way of occupying both children and adults from engaging in social vices. On a general level, many people respond better to watching movies than to reading which helps in keeping them interested, occupied and prevent them from getting easily distracted.

We are always mindful not to overwhelm people enjoying the movie but also not to hide hard truths from them. Our selection of movies/documentary touch on wide thematic areas such as technology, social media, human rights, comedy, Geo, democracy and at times action movies. The screening is usually from both local and international.

Drama and documentary helps in unlocking those perspectives and histories through focusing on a particular issue or event. Proper planning is essential and we are always careful with choice of movies so as to make sure they actually learn something by the climax.

The movies/Documentaries screened are totally FREE!

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