COFFEE BAR: Police relationship with the community
Kenya has had several protests in recent years motivated by social, political, and economic grievances. We discussed the MuYI hub to discuss the relationship the police force has with the community. We had 28 participants with whom 7 were ladies. Everyone was free to air their view during encounters with the police. A troubling trend has surfaced as a result of these current protests: there has been a major decline in the connection between the police and the community, particularly the youth. Reports of police violence during these protests have sparked concerns about violations of human rights and the decline of public confidence in law enforcement.
Maintaining peace and order, defending citizens, and making sure that the law is enforced are the police’s core responsibilities. However many youths seem to complain that the police have been going beyond their authority during protests most are carelessly throwing tear gas and shooting innocent protesters unlike their duty which is to arrest looters in the protest and maintain peace in the community.
The incidents of police violence, particularly against Gen z and other vulnerable community members, have been a concerning feature of the protest. The police are at risk because of the sharp decline in the public’s connection with them. Many participants complained that Ruben Police station and Kware post have failed the community since they should not fight the people rather protect them while they fight for their demand.
In the recent crisis at Kware bodies have been retrieved without the presence of police officers who were ignorant of the surrounding which they should be the 1st people to have known that bodies have been dumped at the Quarry.
In mukuru kwa Ruben the police started the protest by aimlessly throwing tear gas to the peaceful community.
“The police were handling people like kids and commanding people to go home as if we have curfew “one participant said.
We need to look at the state of the nation, everyone need to be accountable to their deeds
The NG-CDF, the county, the police station, and ourselves
If we look at our police department some people are not even qualified they failed their exams and have low grades to even be working
The same police use force and beat people ruthlessly, they do not even know how to handle the crowd and the situation at hand
The government needs to do proper training to the police they used teargas that is said to be poisonous (Agent Orange)
How did the police handle Kwares situation
“The post has failed the community kazi ni kushika watu wa boda”one participant said
The government has used an Airtel agent as the sacrificial lamb to the murder of the bodies retrieved from the Quarry.
The story does not add up since the gadgets being used are recent models of technology
The people who decided to voluntarily remove bodies from the quarry have been arrested
No government machine has been used to handle the crisis since day one and there are still more bodies being retrieved
The MPs and MCAs have not been to the quarry to console the community they only showed up at the quarry when Raila was there and they went missing since that day.
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