COFFEE BAR: Evaluation of NG-CDF money (Goon-Z and Gen-z debates online)
We discussed the evaluation of Embakasi South NGCDF money on 23/07/2024. Yesterday we had a continuation of the same discussion and how the people have had social media discussions about Embakasi South NGCDF. In attendance at the MuYI hub coffee bar, we had 30 participants of whom 2 were females. We discussed how people have recently been posting posters on their social media platforms about the change they need and accountability on the funds allocated for the Embakasi South constituency.

Most of the people posting on their pages about the change they need in our constituency are getting backlash from goons who have been pushing bad agendas and forcing them up in people’s throats. They get insults in return since most of the goons don’t have facts to support what they are talking about. Some people lack civic information on the roles of the MP some assume that our MP is never involved In NGCDF. They have not read the auditor general’s report and hence do not know what is contained in it despite people posting the link to the auditor general’s report.
Youth’s perception when asked if we have leaders in Embakasi South
We do not have leaders –since they don’t practice their leadership skills efficiently we have garbage everywhere mostly on our tarmacked roads. Our MCA found Mukuru kwa Ruben developed the roads were newly built, and drainages and street lights had been installed yet they cannot push the right buttons for the garbage to be collected and roads to stay clean.
We have leaders but they do not take responsibility for the work they have been assigned to.
We have leaders who only take money and are very selfish, they are there for the money and leave other people in charge of their offices.
“We have leaders but they are not accountable for their jobs, we take accountability since we choose them to represent us even after they failed in their first terms Take an example with our MP who was chosen for the second time and yet nothing had been developed while in his first term, we only had bursaries being distributed and not equally since they are normally issued during the night. We should not be lied to (watoto wasome)”one participant said.
We have a big role as youths to educate our parents on what the roles of our leaders are. They should not vote for bad leaders/non-competent leaders since our MP never listens to the cry of his constitution he only waits for his term to end and then goes missing.
We do not get that chance to see our MP since he only comes to the people when issuing bursaries. He never came to the people who elected him he did not even come when people’s houses were being demolished when people needed him.
We should all take a voter’s card and stop complaining yet we did not vote, we should make sure to vote during the next election, and we should wake up early and make the change that we want and need.
Most goons are feeding people with lies and cannot read a small, noncomplex report they also don’t know the next leaders that we are going to get and that we truly need.
We do not have good leaders since they are causing harm to our future, the system is rigged it’s full of liars.
We have leadership but the problem is that we as the people are greedy and poor. We want accountability but since we do not ask for NMS project had a good track record since they were smart they did small development which was helpful to the community hence when people are asked to choose between NG-CDF and NMS they will choose NMS over NG-CDF. If we say we want good roads what do we mean- we want funds that are working for emergencies such as fire if the roads are proper they will be good access to areas that are on fire by the fire brigades. Good roads will also contribute to the development of business which will generate revenue.
Even though it’s hard to educate our parents we still need to educate them and make them know the importance of choosing good leaders. Our president has had a good chance of dealing with the recent protests such as changing the constitution
In times of arguing with counter-attacks from goons online, we should make sure to argue with facts rather than using abusive language while dealing with them. We should also familiarize ourselves with bills in Kenya, the constitution, and laws in Kenya. We should use positive tactics.
The leaders in Embakasi South have been using tribe to determine the number of voters one can get from their tribe and the NMS Project was given to a specific tribe.
We cannot argue that it’s tribalism that affects our leaders rather should argue with choosing the best of the best leaders since the case of Isiolo where the county government spent 1 million on sodas, yet it is one of their own whom the people elected.
Most of the old people in our constituency are usually involved in elections and choosing the leaders for us. The youths should make sure to be part of the decision-making process.
Bursaries have blinded most people into thinking it’s the only thing the MP should work on yet its allocation is only 35% where is the 65% directed to?
Religion has been used to lie to people since most youths don’t attend churches whenever the pastors say to the congregation that they feel like a certain leader is right since they have contributed huge amounts of money to their fundraiser the congregation agrees and choose bad leaders just because.
We should not only wait for the youths to notice that the country is in a bad position!
We as the youths need to make sure the protest for change does not necessarily end just because we are tired it needs to also emerge when we are nearing our next election. If we are not vocal enough the old people will be convinced to vote for the fake leaders even though it’s not easy we should come together to seek accountability from all the leaders.
MuYI will take the responsibility of calling the ward admin and communicating with the MCA of Kwa Ruben on the removal of garbage on the street. The roads have gotten potholes due to poor maintenance; garbage that has been piled on the roads has not been collected for a long time and it’s time for us as youths to clean up Mukuru kwa Ruben roads.
We should condemn Goon-Z’s bad actions by showing them what needs to be done in our constitution. We should also be vocal in making sure that The NG-CDF money discussion in Embakasi South brings to light the urgent need for institutional adjustments to guarantee the fund fulfills its intended purpose.